Understanding Deadlock’s Ranked System: The Role of Unranked Games in Your Ranking

In Deadlock, players often wonder why their unranked game performances impact their ranked standings. This integration is a deliberate design choice aimed at creating a more accurate and fair matchmaking experience.

The Connection Between Unranked and Ranked Play

Deadlock employs a hidden Matchmaking Rating (MMR) system that tracks a player’s skill level across both unranked and ranked matches. This unified MMR ensures that players are matched with others of similar skill, regardless of the game mode they choose. Consequently, your performance in unranked games directly influences your MMR, which in turn affects your ranked placements.

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Initial Rank Determination

When you first enter ranked play, Deadlock doesn’t rely solely on your performance in ranked matches to determine your starting rank. Instead, it seeds your ranked MMR based on your unranked MMR. This means that if you’ve demonstrated a high skill level in unranked games, you’ll likely start at a higher rank in the competitive ladder. Conversely, if your unranked performance has been average or below, your initial ranked placement will reflect that.

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Why Integrate Unranked Performance?

  1. Accurate Skill Assessment: By analyzing unranked games, the system gathers comprehensive data on a player’s abilities, leading to more precise matchmaking.
  2. Smurf Prevention: Integrating unranked performance into ranked placements helps deter experienced players from creating new accounts to dominate lower-level matches, thereby maintaining competitive integrity.
  3. Enhanced Match Quality: A unified MMR system ensures that both unranked and ranked matches are balanced, providing enjoyable experiences across all game modes.

Weekly Rank Resets and Progression

Deadlock features a unique weekly ranking system where your rank resets every week. To obtain a rank for the week, you must complete a minimum of seven ranked matches. While your visible rank resets, your hidden MMR persists, meaning consistent performance in both unranked and ranked games will influence your future rankings.


  1. Do unranked games affect my ranked MMR?
    Yes, your performance in unranked games contributes to your hidden MMR, which influences your ranked matchmaking and placements.
  2. Can I improve my ranked starting position through unranked play?
    Absolutely. Performing well in unranked matches can enhance your MMR, leading to a higher initial rank when you transition to ranked play.
  3. Why does Deadlock reset ranks weekly?
    The weekly reset system encourages continuous engagement and provides players with regular opportunities to reassess and improve their rankings.
  4. Is the MMR system visible to players?
    No, Deadlock’s MMR system is hidden. Players cannot see their exact MMR scores but can infer their skill level based on match outcomes and rank changes.
  5. Does losing unranked games negatively impact my ranked matches?
    Consistently poor performance in unranked games can lower your MMR, which may result in lower-ranked placements and matchups against less skilled opponents in both unranked and ranked modes.

Understanding the interplay between unranked and ranked games in Deadlock is crucial for players aiming to climb the competitive ladder. By recognizing that all game modes contribute to your overall skill assessment, you can approach each match with a strategic mindset, ultimately enhancing your gaming experience.